It did not start with Pashinyan: Armenia’s betrayal of Russia dates back a long time | OPINION by Mubariz Ahmadoglu

  03 October 2023    Read: 2092
  It did not start with Pashinyan:  Armenia’s betrayal of Russia dates back a long time |  OPINION by Mubariz Ahmadoglu

Moscow was almost shocked by Yerevan’s recent steps. Despite being a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Armenia held a joint military drill with the U.S. on its territory. Today, Armenia’s parliament ratified the ICC’s Roma Statute, allowing Yerevan to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin at the behest of the West if he sets foot on the territory of Armenia. It has nothing to do with Azerbaijan.

Armenia’s accusations against Russia over the 44-day war and Karabakh issues are completely groundless. As soon as Pashinyan came to power in Armenia in 2018, he first ordered the arrest of CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov in order to discredit the organization’s reputation. Thus, Pashinyan demonstrated his anti-Russian stance.

In his interviews with the official Russian newspaper, the former Armenian president, Serzh Sargsyan, admitted the role of the Armenians in the collapse of the USSR. The fact that the Karabakh issue was considered to be the beginning of the USSR collapse is one of the well-founded factors.

In his interview with Moscow-based media outlets, Sargsyan portrayed the USSR as “hell for Armenians”. However, six of the seven Armenian billionaires worldwide lived in Moscow, and only one, named Kirk Kirkoryan, resided in the United States.

In 1965, a decision was made to build a religious and ethnic monument - a “genocide” memorial - for Armenians in the USSR, where the communist ideology was completely dominant. In the USSR, no other religion has been treated like this. "Hell" is not a bad place...

Sargsyan was a staunch supporter of the Eastern Partnership project and an initiator of this project’s being turned into an anti-Russian one. Sargsyan used to present himself as the “key to the North Caucasus”. State officials and high-ranking politicians from Europe discussed the situation in the North Caucasus with him. However, the North Caucasus has no geographical and ethnic relation to Armenia.

Sargsyan was one step away from recognizing the "Circassian genocide". If Russia did not wag its finger at Armenia, the latter would have recognized the "Circassian genocide". In fact, Sargsyan’s anti-Russian stance was not a novelty either. He simply brought his predecessor Kocharyan’s political course, veiled with Armenian cunning, to a new stage. Kocharyan initiated the construction of the second-largest U.S. embassy building worldwide in Armenia.

At that time, Russia sent Siberia Airlines to Armenia as its main air carrier. Having experienced Kocharyan’s tough tax audits, the air carrier apologized and left Armenia. It is how the country's fuel sector was removed from Russia's control and came under Romania's influence. These processes were headed by Mika Bagdasarov, Baku Armenian, who was Kocharyan's close friend. He was also a founder of 'Armavia' and 'Flash' companies.

The reduction of Russia's share in "Armrosgasprom" in favor of Armenia also started during Kocharyan's tenure. Taking these steps, he primarily relied on Armenian cunning and Armenians in the Russian elite.

The Armenians were the first to expel the Soviet army from their territory among the allied republics. However, when the Azerbaijani army approached Khankendi during the ruling of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan, Levon Ter-Petrosyan pleaded Yeltsin and managed to keep the current 102nd military base in Armenia.

During the Spitak earthquake, the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, Nikolai Ryzhkov, allocated 6-7 billion dollars to Armenia, which was 2-3 times the budget at that time. Later, it became clear that those funds were not spent on eliminationf of the consequences of the earthquake, but on the war in Karabakh.

Could all this change Armenians' attitude to Russians in a positive direction? No. Slogans such as 'Ivan, take your suitcase, go home', 'Ivan, take your overcoat and leave' were sounded. The campaign against the Russian language and culture in Armenia was more acute than in the Baltic countries.

Terrorist incidents were rare in the USSR. One of those rare cases was explosion of the Moscow subway by Armenians.

If we take a deeper look at the matter, the first betrayal of the Armenians against the Russians began with their participation in the murder of the ambassador of Tsarist Russia Griboyedov in Tehran.  

The US State Department bombarded Moscow with letters, demanding freedom for Karabakh Armenians and freedom for Armenia. At that time, the elite of the Soviet Union, and later of Russia, participated in all these processes.

The Kremlin could this sequence whenever it wanted, but it didn't. Since it had his own interest: The Russian elite was dependent on the political support and finances of world Armenians. Therefore, the situation became like this in the end... 

It voted against Armenia in the referendum on the existence of the USSR. Could those people, who wanted the destruction of the state, that did so much good for them be loyal to Russia?

You have to be either too naive or too optimistic to believe that. Let the Russian leadership say which of these...

Mubariz Ahmadoglu

Director of Political Innovation and Technology Center


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